Lavitola and Berlusconi for trial in February

Lavitola and Berlusconi photographed during an official visit to Panama

FORMER Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the businessman-journalist Valter Lavítola, whose names figure largely in reports of alleged bribery of Panamanian officials will appear in court next February to face charges of bribery of parliamentarians.


The hearing in Naples, Italy will be closed to the public and  journalists to safeguard the integrity of investigations.

Lavítola statements in court were at  times ambiguous and contradictory as he claimed innocence, but admitted that he served as a messenger to deliver bribes to then-Senator Sergio De Gregorio, who has confessed to receiving over $4 million to jump ship and join the Berlusconi opposition, enabling him to bring down the reigning coalition, leading to a new election and Berlusconi’s return to power.
Allegations circulated in Panama after the breakdown of the Panameñista-CD coalition, that opposition MP’s were bribed to join the ruling party and ensure a government majority in the National Assembly.