Martinelli uses former president to attack La Prensa founder

President Ricardo Martinelli used his Twitter account on Monday,October 21 to attack La Prensa founder Roberto Eisenmann and to circulate an opinion article written by former President Ernesto Pérez Balladares.
"This is what a former president thinks about the Coronado tax evader," wrote @rmartinelli at 10:02 a.m.
In the same message, he attached an article by Perez Balladares that appeared in the opinion section of La Prensa in January 2005 titled "A Reply to Robert 'Bobby' Eisenmann."
A short time later the article was also distributed by the CD press office.Martinellis the founder and leader of the CD party
Last year a criminal court sentenced the former Panamanian president to 12 months in prison for slandering and insulting former Comptroller Alvin Weeden in that article.
The sentence was commuted to a payment of a $3,000 fine. In this article, Perez Balladares called Weeden a "thug" and launderer of drug money.
Last July, the Second Superior Court revoked the sentence of imprisonment and ordered the payment of the fine.
At that time, Weeden said that Martinelli "got his hands dirty to help Perez Balladares."