Millionaires to billionaires in just four years

PANAMANIAN and foreign millionaires have become billionaires in just four years under President Ricardo Martinelli said independent presidential candidate Juan Jované on Thursday, October 17.

He denounced the corruption of the current administration while announcing that he had the necessary signatures to run as an independent candidate .

He blamed contracts for the spate of "millionaires to billionaires”
And said the "assault on public funds" has been higher in the past four years than in the previous four decades.
He promised that his government will not allow a single cent of proceeds of corruption and will "drop the weight of law on those who have stolen from the state.”
He also demanded a thorough investigation of the Panamanian authorities over alleged deals with Italian businessmen because " these scandals will do much harm to the country " and because they question "the good use of the money of the Panamanian people "