Underground parking lots construction nearing

CONTRACTS for the first phase of construction of underground parking lots in Panama have been issued and work will soon begin on 1,100 parking spaces in three locations.

The contracts were awarded using the turnkey model to Antonella de La Valle, representative of the company Estacionamientos Unidos S.A and Ivan Bernal of the company Plaza Parking SA".

With an investment of $14 million Estacionamientos Unidos will build 362 parking spaces under Porras Park and 449 in the Francisco Arias Paredes park on Avenida Cuba and Peru. Plaza Parking SA will build 300 parking spaces under the Harry Strunz Park , between 50th Street and West 58th Street with a $7 million investment.
Ten percent of the income from the parking fees will go to Panama City municipality says
With an investment of $14 million Estacionamientos Unidos will build 362 parking spaces in Porras park and 449 in the Francisco Arias Paredes park, located on Avenida Cuba and Peru. In addition, Plaza Parking SA will build 300 parking spaces in the Harry Strunz park. between 50th Street and West 58th Street and its investment will be $7 million.