A country ruled by thugs – Navarro

PRD PRESIDENTIAL candidate Juan Carlos Navarro said Monday, October 7 that information, contained in a newspaper article in La Prensa was an "embarrassment" and shows that the country is "ruled by thugs."

Meanwhile PRD leader Balbina Herrera said that the Public Ministry and the National Assembly should launch an inquiry into alleged payments to senior Panamanian officials made by an Italian consortium through middleman Valter Lavítola in exchange for a lucrative defense contract.

"The Ministry has to do an investigation," said Herrera, who questioned why such a probe has not already been conducted.
Herrera faces charges for releasing the e-mails in which the alleged bribes were discussed between President Ricardo Martinelli and Lavitola.
"In Panama there is no justice, we are hostages … and the evidence can't be ignored."Herrera said.
"As a Panamanian, I feel ashamed," she added.
Minister of the Presidency Roberto Henríquez criticized the article as having no new information and said it "makes assumptions."