Panama hosting multi decision makers in October

OCTOBER IS SET to be a good month for hotels, restaurants and the score card of Panama’s tourism authority as the country’s capital pays host to at least four major business meetings and regional summits.
On Wednesday, October 2 the Competitiveness Forum of the Americas opened, It is attended by 800 well-heeled and influential businessmen from the region.
October 16 through 23 October, IX Latin American Business Conference, will be underway to discuss issues related to economic and business integration.
The agenda will be marked by the presence of seven Latin American leaders including Sebastián Piñera of Chile, Ollanta Humala, of Peru; Laura Chinchilla of Costa Rica, and Enrique Peña Nieto, of Mexico.
The leaders will address the impact on the region of the Pacific Alliance, with Panama insisting on joining the group says La Prensa.
Senior executives from companies such as Bancolombia, which this year acquired the operations of HSBC Panama, will be there along with the Inter-American Development Bank and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF).
Panama will also greet theXXIII Latin American Summit of Heads of State, which will discuss the educational challenges facing the region.
The month will wind up with the Sixth International Congress of the Spanish Language.