Martinelli says new law protects Panamanian doctors

WITH THE country wide strike of doctors and other health professionals heading into its 8th day, Ppesident, Ricardo Martinelli , announced on Wednesday, October 2 that he has sanctioned Bill 611, which led to the protests.
Martinelli said that the protest being carried out by different health sector unions , led by the National Negotiating Medical Commission ( Comenenal ) " is invested with political overtones," and there was no justification for these sectors to stop health care for the population.
He said there was no reason to attack the new law , since it protects and gives priority to Panamanian professionals .
" My duty is to defend the interests of all," said Martinelli and added that there is a wide need to hire foreign staff to ensure the quality of health in areas of difficult access.
Given the complaints of different sector unions , that there is a move to privatize public health, Martinelli promised that there will be no the privatization of the city hospitals , or any of the services currently offered.
On the other hand, he promised that from 2014 the salary of physicians who provide services in remote areas will be increased by 50 to 100%
He also said that $20 million annually will be allocated to the Institute for Training and Development of Human Resources and the National Institute of Vocational Training for Human Development and specialization scholarships abroad for Panamanian doctors to commit to work in remote areas of the country.
He called on the unions on strike to return to work, “nothing will affect them. The only ones affected are the patients hit by this strike."
Following Martinelli’s announcement the health unions quickly evaluated the next step because they had stated that the work stoppage would continue until the bill was repealed said La Prensa.