Government plans private administration of new hospital

PANAMA’S Social Security Fund (CSS ) is moving to hire a company to administrate a new hospital complex being built on the road to the Centennial Bridge .
A notice , published in the portal since August 23 calls for hiring " basic services administration and general operation to meet the demand of a large hospital with highly complex services to meet the needs of the population. "
It is asking a best value tender with separate evaluation , the reference price will be reserved until the day they are known proposals of candidates for the contract , who must submit a deposit of $ 45 million.
The company that gets the concession will be responsible for managing the complex for 15 years. Among the services to be provided are: general services , including management of green spaces and landscaping , parking , hospital waste , warehouse logistics , laundry, kitchen , security, maintenance of infrastructure , facilities, industrial equipment, elevators,, and management and administrative services , which inkling " he management of non-medical staff of the hospital " and administrative support with their activity and operating services business areas , such as cafeterias and dining areas and electro medical services , covering the maintenance of various medical equipment.
According to the specifications, the successful bidder may also implement an automated system for storage and dispensing, and a robotic transport system .
Priscilla Vasquez , president of the Association of Employees of CSS, said the bidding seems to fit the idea that the city hospital was designed to pass into private hands. She recalled that " the Public Private Partnership Act was defeated and that is exactly what they are applying to this tender " .