Panama near bottom of education rankings
PANAMA is near the bottom of the class when it comes to quality of education according to an international organization based in Switzerland.
Out of 144 countries, Panama currently ranks 112 in terms of quality of education system, 115 with regard to the quality of primary education, and 125 in the teaching of science and mathematics.
Countries in the region like Barbados (7) and Costa Rica(21) dramatically outrank Panama which oustrips them in terms of percapita income, and boasts of its world standing in terms of growth and GDP The figures come from the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The latest TV commercials launched by the government, rating Panamanian education positively, omit theladder and cite only evidence of enrollment in basic education.
For the World Economic Forum, education is an important pillar of productivity.