Panamas national shame by neglect

The famed golden altar of San Jose church in Casco Antiguo is in danger of collapse and churches in the old city have been forced to cancel weddings for this year and next.
Add to that the he deterioration of the Metropolitan Cathedral and you have what Ricardo Gago, president of the Friends Committee of Churches of Castco Antiguo decribes as a "national shame".
When the Cathedral is closed he says, one does not realize the neglect that that reigns within. Says Gago One could imagine at first glance by the vegetation growing on top of each of its towers.
The concern is that not only the poor state of the cathedral but also that of the churches of La Merced, San Francisco and in San Jose, where they have already suspended all scheduled weddings this year and next.
The Church of San José is the greatest concern to Gago, He told La Prensa there is a risk that the altar will crash, due to the high humidity that attacks the wall that supports it.
"The golden altar is a jewel, something unique." He said.
To help combat the problem, the Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa, has created of a committee of members from the private sector, whose to raise funds and lead the restoration work to save each of the historical monuments .
The work is hard, but Gago is confident that the people will end up "pulling up their pants" and contribute donations.
The cost will mean "many millions of dollars" as well as time. They estimate that the Basilica of San Francisco alone needs a $2 million investment, and La Merced another million.
The cost of restoration of the cathedral has not been determined. Of all the churches of Casco, the Oratory of Philip Neri is the one that is in the best condition.
Rebuilt 13 years ago for $800,000, it will start celebrating Mass from September and along with San José and La Merced, will form a trio with the doors open.