CD ethics complaint rejected

AN ETHICS complaint filed against the PRD by a CD spokesman has been rejected as having no merits.
The Commission of Justice and Peace, caretaker of the electoral ethics pact, on Saturday, July 20 turned down the appeal filed by CD official Luis Eduardo Camacho González. The complaint was filed although the CD party has not signed the ethics pact.
The commission said that the complaint does not have the "merits to indicate that there is a violation of the pact".
The final resolution of the case, released Saturday, recalls that the complaint accused the PRD of using a smear campaign against the government, the CD and President Ricardo Martinelli.
In rejecting the complaint, the commission took the opportunity to reiterate to the CD members that they should ratify the pact and contribute to it, which in turn will strengthen the country's democracy.
It also invited all the members of society to "build together a climate of peace, respect and tolerance during this electoral process."
This complaint had been filed by Camacho on May 27.