Calls for the head of Panama garbage chief

 HOT ON THE heels of the appearance of Panama’s ombudsperson before the National Asssembly, there are calls for the man responsible for garbage collection to follow suit.


Enrique Ho Fernández head AAUD Director is under pressure to answer questions about the agency's spending and performance.

PRD Deputy Dana Castañeda is among the voices asking that Ho Fernández be held accountable says La Prensa
Castaneda said that Ho Fernandez "should not have any fear of" going to the National Assembly to answer questions.
"This is an issue that really affects the quality of life of Panamanians, and if people have questions concerning the management of the agency and the efficiency of garbage collection, they should be answered," the deputy said, adding "If [Ho] does not have the capacity to solve the issue of garbage collection, I believe he should resign."
Panamneñista Deputy José Isabel Blandón said that the problem in the AAUD is not one of budgets, but lack of will.
He urged Ho Fernandez to explain how he has distributed the $240 million that the agency has received since it was created in 2011.
"If they demanded answers from Patria Portugal about $450,000, Mr. Ho should answer questions about $240 million," he said.
Ho Fernández could not be reached for comment says La Prensa.
The problem of Garbage collection was removed from control of Panama City by President Ricardo Marinelli and a new body created, headed by Ho, but citizens complaints are again on the upsurge.