Panama Governor condemned for Jewish Gestapo remarks

THE WORLD RENOWNED Simon Wiesenthal Center has repudiated and condemned, “verbal aggression” towards La Prensa journalist Flor Mizrachi by the Governor of Panama, Omaira Mayín Correa.

The condemnation came following a Monday June 17 statement on her radio program when she labeled Mizrachi  "the Gestapo judiíta". The remark is considered by the Jewish community as an "offense to the memory of Jews and other victims of the Nazi Gestapo, and injures Panama, a traditional and loyal friend of the Jewish people and the State of Israel " said Shimon Samuels, director of the Center which has asked the President of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), Elias Castillo, to report the incident as "a violation of the Declaration against Antisemitism, initiated by the Center for Latin American Parliament and adopted by the Assembly at its twenty-seventh, in December 2011."

Correa was reacted against the publication of journalist Mizrachi on the measures taken by the government – classified by experts as a shield, after its ouster in 2014.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center is an international Jewish human rights with more than 400,000 members worldwide.
It has NGO status at the United Nations Organization (UNESCO), the Organization of American States (OAS), among others.