Protected lands bought for cents, sold for millions

The coastal lands of Juan  Hombrón (Cocle) were not the only ones which were traded in scandal plagued fast tracked sales to corporations.

Something very similar happened with more than 2,100 hectares in Ngäbe Bugle north of the province of Chiriqui says La Prensa


Some 685 hectacres of the sea-front land were bought by the Costa Rican politician and businessman Antonio Alvarez Desanti, who paid "several million dollars" for them and now plans to invest $ 40 million there.

There are four farms in two protected areas: Panama wetland of international importance (Damani-Guariviara), and the protected landscape island Escudo de Veraguas-Dego.

Residents of the area say that sales were made in "irregular" proceedings with Indians not living there,  and with the endorsement of the First Circuit Court in Bocas del Toro.

Unlike others who have spent years trying to land proprietor, attorney Evisilda Martinez and his legal team managed 11 favorable rulings in adverse possession processes, after which they bought  lands for cents-a-square meter farm, and then sold them for millions of dollars.

The lawyer negotiated the sale of the land to Alvarez Desanti a year before the court decision.

The coastal lands of Juan Hombrón (Cocle) were not the only ones who were traded in the scandal plagued fast tracked sales to corporations.
Something very similar happened with more than 2,100 hectares in Ngäbe Bugle north of the province of Chiriqui says La Prensa
Some 685 hectacres of the sea-front land were bought by the Costa Rican politician and businessman Antonio Alvarez Desanti, who paid "several million dollars" for them and now plans to invest $ 40 million there.
There are four farms in two protected areas: Panama wetland of international importance (Damani-Guariviara), and the protected landscape island Escudo de Veraguas-Dego.
Residents of the area say that sales were made in "irregular" proceedings with Indians not living there, and with the endorsement of the First Circuit Court in Bocas del Toro.
Unlike others who have spent years trying to land proprietor, attorney Evisilda Martinez and his legal team managed 11 favorable rulings in adverse possession processes, after which they bought lands for cents-a-square meter farm, and then sold them for millions of dollars.
The lawyer negotiated the sale of the land to Alvarez Desanti a year before the court decision.