Big spending ombudswoman wont step down

PANAMA’S high flying Ombudsperson has no intention of resigning in spite of widespread revelations of her spending sprees.
Citizens groups have reacted to reports of irregular expenditure, including a $250,000 contract for the redesign of the institution’s web site of the, and expenses like buying a sofa for $ 3000, a $150 letter opener, a $150 Pen $ and hats for $ 200.
Patria Portugal, the person appointed to go to bat for people who are faced with injustice, says she will not step down.
In her first public comments on the published stories about her spending habits , Portugal said, " I have not quit, because I have not done anything wrong."
She has been in her post since March 3, 2011, and said on the weekend that the $250,000, expenditure was a comprehensive makeover and “am very happy with the job” She said on TVN News that shameless lies, were “dirtying the image of the Ombudsman, not Patria Portugal".
The institution has a budget of 5.7 million for fiscal 2013, and Portugal moved her office to a new location, and now pays double what it cost for rent in the first building.
Several civil organizations have appealed to the advocate to explain what happened and, at the same time, resign.