Defamatory wire taps condemned by Electoral Tribunal judge

THE USE OF illegal recordings to defame political leaders in Panama has been condemned by an Electoral Tribunal (TE) judge.

Eduardo Valdés Escoffery, called for a halt to this type of mechanism. "What the country is experiencing is sad and unfortunate" said the judge, who explained that the TE cannot act in such cases without approval of the Electoral Office. (FE) . "Hopefully the authorities comply," he added.

Specifically, Act 54 of 2012 which amended the Electoral Code states that the only institution that can receive complaints about dirty campaign is FAITH, currently led by Eduardo Penaloza, former member of the ruling Democratic Change (CD) says La Prensa.
On Thursday June 6, a team of lawyers from the PRD (Democratic Revolutionary Party) filed a complaint against a FAITH official involved in exercising abuse of authority or influence for an action against presidential candidate Juan Carlos Navarro, who was rated the "most corrupt person in this country "by the president, Ricardo Martinelli.
The president lashed out against Navarro, who was sent a warning that soon he will be exposed for his alleged corruption while serving as mayor of Panama.