Martinelli threatens to revoke construction contract

PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli no longer carries a sledgehammer to attack construction projects that upset him but he puts muscle into his words.
On Friday, June 7 during a visit to a hospital construction project he threatened to revoke the contract given to the company working on the Anita Moreno Regional Hospital in Villa de Los Santos.
"This is a disaster," Martinelli said during a visit to this construction project.
Martinelli said he wants a report on the work done by the IBT Group, on his desk every Monday until the project is finished.
"They cannot ask for more time if no one is here working," Martinelli said.
He was accompanied by Secretary of State Communication Luis Eduardo Camacho and former minister Romulo Roux, and said “We will seek legal mechanisms that the law allows" if the project is not finished on time.
The project is supposed to be finished next year. In time for the elections?