Ruben Blades snags role in Hands of Stone

RUBEN BLADES, celebrated Salsa singer and actor has joined the cast of the film Hands of Stone about the life of Panamanian boxing legend Roberto Duran.

Blades will play the role of boxing entrepreneur Carlos Eleta and will act alongside Robert De Niro, Edgar Ramirez and Usher says an Associated exclusive report

"Ruben Blades is the most influential artist in Panamanian history. Having him on board at such a pivotal role ultimately gives legitimacy to the whole project," said Venezuelan director Jonathan Jakubowicz in a statement sent to the AP.
"I've been working with Blades in the script for a while and he has already provided a stunning human dimension to the character," said the director.
"There is also a lot of chemistry between Reuben De Niro and Edgar
For Blades, work on the film about compatriot and great friend Duran is all a dream says a press release.
"Participating in the celebration of the life of a champion like Roberto Duran, a true global boxing icon, and also a friend whom I always admire and applaud, is too special to describe with words, "said Blades in the same letter.
Duran was born in a poor household and raised in a poor neighborhood, of the capital (Chorrillo) From a childhood in which he worked as a shoeshine boy HE became the greatest figure of Panamanian boxing and one of the most renowned fighters in
Latin America, to win four world titles in four different categories. Shooting will begin in October in Panama.