Health workers on alert to fight import of foreign doctors

MEMBERS of the association representing multiple health care workers are in “ a state of alert” following a government decision to allow the hiring of foreign doctors.

Alvaro Lozano, vice president of the Technical and Health Unions (Conagreprotsa) told that after a forum on the possible consequences of hiring foreign doctors , member are in a "state of alert".

According to Lozano, the hiring is against the laws of the country.
"There is no quality assurance of the professional people who are coming to work in the country. This will not only affect us but to the general public, "he said.
When the forum is over all the unions that make up the organization, will make a statement will announce actions to be taken. "Within the guild we have alternatives that might prevent the possibility of bringing foreign doctors to Panama," he said.
Fernando Castaneda, director of the National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal), said health authorities are passing over specialty groups by allowing the influx of foreigners who do not meet the requirements to the national to practice a medical specialty.
"This endangers the life and health of Panamanians. You can’t re[air a problem by creaing another. Relaxation by bringing in health professionals can bring death, as happened with the mass poisoning by diethylene glycol, " he said.
According to figures from the Comenenal, nationwide there are about 5,000 doctors working for the state. However, there are at least another3,000 that are not working for reasons ranging from poor financial remuneration to political blackmail to get certain posts.
Health minister, Javier Diaz, said that foreign doctors will have the same salary range as nationals. And will have the same training as local doctors and should have the same number of years of study.