Few management plans for Panamas protected” areas

MOST “protected” areas in Panama do not have a management plan to ensure their protection and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Meanwhile while politician pay lip service to environmental concerns, the budget for the National Environmental Authority (ANAM) has been slashed.

Data from ANAM shows that the country has 105 protected areas and only 23 have a management plan.The reserves represent 40% of the country, to be protected.
One of the clear examples of this, says La Prensa is the province of Los Santos. Of the 14 protected areas established in the area, only one has a management plan to establish guidelines for its use.
The former head of Anam’s legal department, Harley Mitchell explained that one of the reasons for the delay in the formulation of plans is its price. "Amanagement plan may cost $60,000" he said.
This year's Anam budget was cut by the Executive from $40 million to $30 million, almost all going to operating costs.
Jose Polanco, of the National Association for the Conservation of Nature, said the management plans are important because they create guidelines for the proper use of the areas.