Former oresident Moscoso waiting for lunch invite from Varela

FORMER President Mireya Moscoso has not been to lunch with her party leader, Juan Carlos Varela because he hasn’t asked her.

But she does holds no grudge against him nor against her detractors.

"I'm not resentful with anyone, in my heart there is no grudge against anyone over what they have said of me," said the former [Panameñista] president (1999-2004) in an interview with
Moscoso said this includes President Ricardo Martinelli, who stated that she and her entire Cabinet should be in "prison."
Moscoso recently had lunch with Martinelli. She also said she would have a meal with Juan Carlos Varela, the president of her party with whom she has had a chilly relationship.
“The chairman of my party said the country should be asking forgiveness for the ‘corrupt Panameñista government.’I understand that in the fervor of politics he can make insults and say many bad things, but I never answered wrongly to anyone.
“The problem is a lack of respect. I remember when I was president, [Ernesto] Perez Balladares and [Guillermo] Endara criticized me and said very ugly things. But I never answered them out of respect that I have for the former presidents.”
Asked how she ignored the critics she said: “
I had a great teacher who was my husband, and he told me that I must have much tolerance. I remember when (Arnulfo) Arias was invited to dinner at the presidency with [Ricardo] De La Espriella, he said to me: we will have to go because Panama is first and this is what we must do to return democracy to the country.
“I believe that there must be tolerance. The politician who does not have it is better off staying at home.
“Does that mean that you don't think criticisms are important?” said La Prensa
“When you're president you should be above that.”
“You had lunch with Martinelli but not with Varela. Why was this?
“Because Mr. Varela has never invited me.”
“Would you go?”
“Of course. But he has never invited me, nor has he called me. He tells everyone he is going to call, but he hasn't”