Panamanian special athlete completes Panama-Taboga swim

PANAMANIAN athlete Cesar Barria on Sunday May 19, became the first Panamanian to swim the 19.5 kilometers from  the Balboa area of Panama City to the island of Taboga.

Barria, who lost part of his right leg in a 2003 car accident, made the crossing, in five hours and 30 minutes.

Since 2008 he has been tackling major swimming challenges since 2008 to serve as an example to other special athletes
His first challenge was in Europe when he crossed the Strait of Gibraltar in 2008, the second was the 22 mile English Channel crossing in 2010, but he could not reach the target because strong currents diverted him from the planned route, so the distance and hours in the water were more than originally forecast.
During his Panama-Toboga, swim strong currents kept extended his journey..
Tourists and local residents of the Panamanian Pacific island were waiting to welcome him.
Barria jumped into the water at 10:00 am at the Balboa shipyard .The Colonese athlete was protected from cruise boats by the Panama Canal Authority. the National System of Civil Protection, National Air Service, and other private boats, including the support team.