DROUGHT: $3 million in aid for cattle

A RESCUE mission to save some 115,000 cattle from ranches in the provinces of Coclé, Herrera, Los Santos and Veraguas is waiting to start.

Agriculture Minister Oscar Osorio. said the decision is part of the emergency plan that will be implemented to deal with the drought that plagues these regions, which has already killed nearly 200 animals due to lack of water and food.
Osorio, who met with the regional directors of the four provinces that are within the drought, said there is a $3 million emergency plan to buy food and medicine for the cattle.
The ministry also plans to dig two wells to distribute water in the area.
"Although it has begun to rain in some areas, we are going to execute the plan," the minister said.
Vice Minister Gerardino Batista said the emergency plan will be implemented as soonas possible.
The purchases will be made this weekend and distribution of the aid will begin Monday says La Prensa.
Cattle farmer Juan José Castillo called for the aid to be delivered as quickly as possible to avoid more cattle deaths.