ELECTION ROUTE: The ethics of political maneuvering
A SUPPORTER of the ruling CD party which did not sign on to an electoral ethics pact has filed a complaint against two parties who did sign,for breach of the pact.
It is the second complaint for an alleged violation of the pact, both issued by the CD. The latest was filed before the Commission of Justice and Peace.
It was filed by lawyer Neftalí¬ Jaén, aligned with the current administration, against the legal representatives of the PRD and PP, Juan Carlos Navarro and Milton Henríquez.
According to the lawyer, both parties have failed in several aspects of the pact.
The move by Jaén is based on the negotiations between the parties to form a possible alliance, with the alleged offered money in exchange for support for certain offices.
"They violated five aspects of the ethics pact, which they pledged to respect until the end of the general elections of 2014," said Jaén in a three page document.
Maribel Jaén, of the Commission of Justice and Peace, received the request and said it will be evaluated.
The pact was signed on March 6 by the PP, PRD and Panameñista parties. It was not supported by the CD or Molirena party.
The first complaint was filed by Secretary of State Communication Luis Eduardo Camacho against La Prensa, one day after the signing of the pact.