Taiwan donates $22.5 million for Bocas hospital

TAIWAN has made another $22 million donation to Panama, this time for a hospital in Bocas del Toro.

The previous donation came in the form of a presidential jet, soon after President Ricardo Obama took office.
The hospital donation of $22.5 million will be delivered in three installments, with the first $7.5 million handed over when the bilateral agreement is signed.
A press release issued by the Government of Panama said: The governments of Panama and Taiwan signed Monday May 6 an act of donation of the first instalment to build a hospital in Bocas del Toro, which will bring great benefits to the province and the region of Ngabe Bugle.

“We want to thank especially the Republic of China Taiwan for this valuable donation, the result of cooperation between the two brotherly countries to improve the health problem that exists in the province of Bocas del Toro," said President Ricardo Martinelli , who was the witness of honor during the ceremony held in the Yellow Room of the Presidency.