HEALTH WATCH:Mark Twain may have been right, but…

By Dr Cory Couillard
Mark Twain said that golf was “a good country walk spoiled,” but golf or walking can prove a lifesaver.
Statistics highlight physical inactivity as the fourth leading risk factor for premature death.
Physical inactivity directly equates to six percent of annual deaths and that is statistically equivalent to the deaths caused by diabetes and nearly the amount of deaths associated with tobacco use.
Escalating statistics highlight physical inactivity as the fourth leading risk factor for premature death.
New statistics indicate that physical inactivity is the main cause of approximately 21 to 25 percent of breast and colon cancers, 27 percent of diabetes and 30 percent of heart diseases.
Recent reports from the National Cancer Institute found that fewer than 5 percent of adults get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day.
To complicate the situation, the term "physical activity" should not be mistaken for "exercise". Exercise, is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful. Significantly less people engage in exercise in comparison to proper physical activity levels.
Lack of physical activity and exercise has become the emerging origin of excessive weight gain, a depressed immune system, Type 2 diabetes and a variety of cardiovascular or heart conditions. Type 2 diabetes can cause numerous other health conditions as well including stroke, kidney disease, nerve pain, blindness, amputation and even death if the condition goes undiagnosed.
Regular moderate intensity physical activity and exercise – such as walking, cycling or participating in sports – has significant benefits for one’s health beyond weight loss. Trends indicate that the public believes exercise is only to lose weight. Healthy weight individuals justify engaging in insufficient physical activity and exercise levels due to perceived good-health status.
Physical activity and exercise is needed for all – regardless of weight, health condition or age – to achieve optimal health and fight off disease.
How to start an exercise program
Researchers have found that individuals who set physical activity and exercise goals are more likely to achieve them. Without a plan, old inactivity habits recur. Begin each week by creating an exercise plan with goals for each day. At the end of each day, mark off the activities that have been completed and the goals achieved.
Planning too much, too quickly is the leading cause of failure. Set small, realistic goals such as taking a walk after work for 15-20 minutes. An ideal activity plan should incorporate aerobic exercises such as walking or biking as well and strength and flexibility training.
Water is the most important component in the human body, accounting for 50 to 60 percent of one’s total body mass. Drink at least eight glasses of water each day when engaging in physical activity and exercise. Dehydration is a leading cause of illness, injury and poor performance.
Safety always comes first. Appropriate body position and alignment will help reduce the stress on the body and decrease the likelihood of experiencing an injury. It’s important to engage in stretching, warm up pre-exercises and cool down post-exercises to reduce soreness.
Increase the intensity and length of the workouts slowly to allow one’s body to adapt and improve. Always listen to the body and how it feels. In the beginning, soreness following an exercise program is expected, but beware of constant, severe pain.
Stop exercising if you experience any of these signs: excessive pain or pressure in the chest, dizziness, light-headedness or nausea. It’s important to check with a physician prior to beginning any exercise program for the first time.
Dr Cory Couillard is an international healthcare speaker and columnist. He works in collaboration with the World Health Organization's goals of disease prevention and global healthcare education. Views do not necessarily reflect endorsement.