ENERGY CRISIS: Commercial signs ordered off by 10 pm

THE PANASONIC monster advertising screen on Avenida Balboa, smaller editions around the city, and bar and disco signs in the Calle Uruguay area of Panama must be turned off by 10 pm each day.

The Public Services Authority (ASEP) on Monday May 6, ordered that all illuminated signs must be turned off by 10 p.m. to conserve power. Violators can face fines of up to $10,000
The country is facing an energy crisis due to a lack of rain, which has decreased the amount of hydro power available.
ASEP officials said that they are seeking measures to avoid blackouts. The government has already cut its hours and passed measures to reduce the use of lights and air conditioning.
ASEP warned that entities who violate the provision about commercial lighting will be subject to disciplinary processes.
Earlier in the morning President Ricardo Martinelli called on the population and private enterprises to save energy.