High density zoning opposed by El Carmen residents
THE ZONING change to high density for El Carmen, Bella Vista by the Ministry of Housing has caused a storm of protests among residents.
The measure got Ministry approval last week but residents are demanding that it be revoked, and they are mobilizing to oppose the move.
Henry Lombardo, a spokesman for residents of the area, said that the change of zoning to high-density residential brings with it an increase in taxes which will force people to sell their homes.
He said the change is "all part of real estate speculation" based on the construction of the Cinta Costera and the Metro, and the government is rezoning all the land in those areas to promote sales.
District Representative Ricardo Domí¬nguez said the rezoning "was a surprise" and done without the benefit of a study commissioned to examine the area's infrastructure.
He said the change will create problems with sewage, lack of parking and other utilities.
Lombard and Domínguez said there will be considerable opposition to the measure.