ENERGY CRISIS: moves to avoid blackouts

HOURS after President Ricardo Martinelli announced that electrical transmission is one of Panama's major concerns, the government moved to crisis mode to avoid blackouts. 

 "The national government will be the first to sacrifice," said Minister of the Presidency Roberto Henriquez before announcing work hour changes for government employees and other measures that will apply from Monday May 6. 

Henriquez said that the lack of rain has reduced the amount of power generated by hydro plants. The measures are expected to last for about two weeks, by which time it is expected that the rainy season will have started.

"Because we don't want to subject the population to blackouts, the government will sacrifice first," the minister said.

The government has cut the hours of some agencies to six hours. There will be some agencies exempt from these changes. That is expected to reduce the amount of energy consumed by these offices.

All government agencies must turn off their air conditioners two hours before closing time and activate them one hour after arriving in the morning. The lowest temperature allowed will be 24 degrees celsius.

Agencies must also turn off all signs at the end of the day.