A corner of Canada in Panama Lycee

The Canadian Embassy in Panama, has repeated its project "Leo Canada" to open the doors to French-Canadian literature for Panama’s youth.
At the same time the program, launched last year, is intended to promote a dynamic and multicultural Canada.
To mark world Fancophonie celebrations children's books by French-Canadian authors were delivered to French Lycée Paul Gauguin school library to continue building a "Canadian Corner".
The project will allow the school’s young students between 6 and 14 years (more than 40% Panamanian) to discover a world of shades and colors of French literature. They will discover authors like Gilles Tilbo and receive French editions of famous literature like Romeo and Juliet and books for children by Alain Bergeron.
Canadian Ambassador, Sylvia Cesaratto officially opened the "Canadian Corner" at the Lycée in Panama Pacifico, noting: "Who knows by discovering Canada through our literature, some of these young readers may later choose to travel and study in Canada.”
The school provided a choir for an event at the Alliance Francaise in which the other Francophone embassies France and Vietnam participated.