Kuna Yala to work with treasure seekers

The finding of a “mystery” circle at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, has led to a rare collaboration between the Kuna Yala Indians and an underwater treasure hunting team.

Treasures may lie beneath these waters

A Kuna Yala representative contacted the Ocean X Team in 2011 and proposed a possible collaboration with the Kuna Yala to help them find wrecks, which are laying in the waters of San Blas. For centuries  ships have sailed past the coast line from El Porvenir to the Columbian border a distance of about 200 km. Ocean X believes there are many ships shipwrecksdue to storms, mis-navigation, war and even pirate attacks. Many of the ships carried treasures like gold, silver  and gems taken from the original population of South America, for transportation to Europe.

 There are about 50.000 Kuna Yala Indians, and 35.000 of them live among the 350 islands located near the coast line, where they live off the sea and nature.
Through this collaboration, says Ocean X it is hoped to be able to return the value of these treasures to Kuna Yala and other indigenous groups in Central and South America, and to improve their living standards.
Another aim is to salvage and preserve historical and culturally valuable items while maintaing respect for nature and sensitivity to the environment and the ecosystem.
Ocean X Team has also been asked to try and create business contacts between companies and Kuna Yala to increase their standards.
“Kuna Yala have not let anyone exploit their natural resources, so this is an unique expression of trust from Kuna Yala towards the Ocean X Team,” says a press release.
The shipwreck expeditions will start within 9-12 months and will be filmed and documented as a TV series.