Parking lot tender transparent says mayor

Panama’s mayor, Roxana Mendez, responded on Tuesday April 2 to a newspaper investigation revealing that two newly formed companies with the same shareholders, who have already have city contracts, won the contract for the city’s underground parking.

According to Méndez, there is no problem  that two companies with the same shareholders have won the bid, since the Municipality conducted a "transparent" process on the website of Panama Buy. "That group has apparently different activities (…) and that does not prevent their participation” she said.

Mendez said the company has complied with all documentation submitted, as provided by law
"Ewe will have investment of about $19 million. The companies are risking and that means we have confidence. We have taken this in a very transparent way and we are confident he will be a successful project," She said in FOX Report.
The follow the publication by La Prensa  on Thursday March 28, story detailing the company shareholders of Plaza Parking SA, and Parking States SA, who got the parking lot contract and  who are owners of a company which has a 10-year contract with the Municipality of Panama for tax collecting.