Metro Bus problem will improve during the week Martinelli

President, Ricardo Martinelli, is sure that Panama’s Metro Bus service will improve next week.He made the statement after criticism from users of the transportation system, who faced major problems on Friday March 15 


Long lines were reported at stops and and passengers had trouble recharging prepaid cards. It happened on what should have been a day or celebratiion as the last of the Diablos Rojos were to have been replaced on nine routes.

The owners of certificates of operation of the Diablos reported that they had delivered their vehicles but did not receive payment.
After a meeting with officials of the Transit Authority (ATTT) and the Comptroller General's Office an agreement was reached with the carriers.

Martinelli is expected to solve these problems so that from next week, only Metro Buses will circulate

Martinelli's statements were made Saturday March 16 at an event tp mark completion of the excavation of the Metro Subway, at the El Carmen subway station location.

Martinelli said "Now we are going to tender the second line because we will solve the transportation problem in the city of Panama."