New Pope will be invited to Panama

Panama’s Jesuit leader, Fernando Guardia Jaén felt great satisfaction on learning that the newly elected Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, belongs to the same order.

Fernando Guardia Jaén

"As a Jesuit it's a surprise that a Jesuit pope has been elected” and   furthermore, he is the first Latin American pope .

Archbishop Jose Domingo Ulloa will be inviting the new pope to Panama.

"It is a joy that the Church has taken the successor of Peter from Latin America,"  says Guadi,  Guardia believes that the responsibility is great. "I think a great call to responsibility. When  we say we are Christians, we live as Christians. Because being a Christian is not just an outward  sign".
Archbishop Jose Domingo Ulloa will be inviting the new pope to Panama.
Guardia is not sure, but believes the choice of "Francisco" for the new Pope is due to the "love of poverty of Francis of Assisi, or perhaps the work of evangelization which Francis Xavier. Humanity needs that all men live like Jesus, not in an imposed way, but from the depths of the human being. "
The Panamanian sees the election of Bergoglio as a continuation of the work undertaken by the Pope John Paul II.
"John Paul II really spoke of savage capitalism. Hopefully we can talk again of unbridled capitalism, the pursuit of social justice, the quest for freedom of expression. "
Hopes that the Pope Francis will visit Panama Francis are high. and the Metropolitan Archbishop Jose Domingo Ulloa, says there will be a new invitation to the Pope to visit the country.