Call for archiving charges against company that blocked La Prensa

The Fourth Municipal prosecutor has requested the archiving of proceedings against a company accused of crimes against press freedom after blocking  the production facilities of La Prensa

Maribel Concepcion said that Transcaribe Trading, SA (TCT) did not commit any crime, as they had no intention of preventing Mi Diario and La Prensa reaching their outlets. TCT trucks and workers surroundedhe La Prensa plant on the night of August 2 and the morning of August 3, 2012, to express disapproval of investigative articles about the company, published in La Prensa,
In his report sent to the court on February 28, Concepcion said he found no evidence that the accused had blocked Corprensa facilities to try to prevent the production process.
Before submitting his findings to the court, the Personera refused to press charges against TCT directors, among them David Ochy, considering that there was in sufficient evidence to proceed with, even though a protected witness had stated he was at the blockade.
Corprensa attorneys filed a motion for dismissal of the request, attacking the because it openly violates the rights of Corprensa