President of Italian company with Panama links arrested

The President and CEO of the defense and aerospace group Finmeccanica Italian, Giuseppe Orsi, was arrested Tuesday, February 12, for alleged international corruption, embezzlement and abuse of power.

The arrest of Giuseppe Orsi, is linked to the possible payment of bribes  during the sale of 12 helicopters to the Indian government. Finmeccanica is also under investigation for  its links to the activities of Valter Lavitola, and his role in the sale of helicopters to Panama.
Orsi's arrest by the Italian police, who raided his home in the town of Sesto Calende (northern Italy), comes after an order issued by the judicial authorities of Busto Arsizio, who have also issued precautionary notices to others.
The arrest of Bruno Spagnolini, CEO of Agusta Westland, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, and the arrest of Guido Haschke and Carlo Gerosa, who reside in Switzerland and are considered intermediaries in the matter and face extradition. from Switzerland, follow the investigation initiated by the Prosecutor of Naples which then went through territorial jurisdiction to Busto Arsizio (north) and centers on the contract won in 2010 to sell 12 helicopters to the Indian government by Agusta Westland.
In a statement, Finmeccanica expressed "solidarity" with Orsi and indicated that the group continues to work as usual after learning this news.