Martinelli Canal board appointments get 10 minute rubber stamp.

Widespread reaction from many quarters over the selection of two of the appointees to the board of the Panama Canal, did not slow the National Assembly’s accreditation committee.

They approved the three new members appointed by President Ricardo Martinelli in less than 10 minutes in spite calls for closer examination of their credentials.
The Board of Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP), issued a statement saying that “in light of the information that has been publicly released and reactions that have occurred surrounding one of the designated members, reiterates its concern at the process for the appointment of new members of the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP).

“The Chamber expresses its opinion responsibly as an institution that has managed and historically contributed to the future of the Panama Canal in its transition to Panamanian administration, the national debate on the Canal expansion project and, more recently, on the future opportunities presented for the development of this important extended trade route.”
The Chamber and other critics expressed concern that Lourdes Castillo and Henri Mizrachi had no known track record and Castillo, who has a business linked to the canal, had a conflict of interest.