High hopes and costs for Carnival entertainment

Panama’s government has again opened the purse strings for the Tourism Authority to spend on four days of Carnival at one end of the Cinta Costera.

Don Omar

Puerto Rican singer Don Omar will pocket $250,000, for his performance while contracts for national artists will add another $610,000.

Just three days before the start of the carnival celebration in different parts of the country, Panama’s mayor Roxana Mendez, said that the city’s event will be the "most successful we've had."
The large number of artists performing on different stages floats and troupes ensure high quality show, Mendez said, but warned that revelers will have to respect decree # 700 of January 10, which imposes certain restrictions so that the celebration is developed within the framework of "public decency and morality."
That includes the prohibition of body painting in whole or in part, using whips a to ask for money, throwing flour, confetti or streamers, wearing religious habits or costumes and uniforms similar to those used by the public security forces, among others.
She warned that those who fail to comply with the provisions will be punished accordingly.
Don Omar will close the Mardi Gras celebrations which are expected to attract 600,000 people.
The administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), Solomon Shamah, reported there is 80% hotel occupancy, but he did not clarify if those were current figures, or for the weekend when scores of thousands make their annual exit from the city.
Shamah said that because the grass on the coastal strip is dry, the public works ministry (MOP) has to make repairs.
He said that damage to the coastal strip of during carnival has always been minor and does not reach $10,000 but the MOP will get $40,000, regardless of the damage, and that will help to maintain the coastal strip.