Multiple Indigenous protests called for February 5

Indigenous groups and farmers in the province of Veraguas are planning simultaneous protests on Tuesday, Februry 5 in various parts of the region to highlight their rejection of hydroelectric projects.

The points where there will be demonstrations are the trans-American highway at the height of Vigui, on bridges over rivers Copre and San Pablo in the district of La Mesa, owntown in Cañazas and in the city of Santiago where more than 500-Buglé indigenous Ngäbe will be participating to commemorate of the deaths of Jerome Rodriguez and Mauricio Mendez Tugri a year ago during confrontations with riot police. says Toribio Garcia, leader of the indigenous bases Vigui
"That day the indigenous people will show that the fight against hydroelectric projects is not over," said Garcia. He did not rule out continuing the road blockages even after the initial demonstrations.
Similarly, Larisa Duarte, leader of the peasant movement in defense of the Copre River (Mocamderco), warned that the demonstrations will be massive and simultaneously in several towns in the province of Veraguas, where they hydropower projects are planned.