Skyscrapers plan for Amador hits fresh snag

A second attempt by a developer to submit an environmental impact study (EIA) to build a marina and residential skyscrapers in Amador has been set back again.

The general manager of the National Environmental Authority (ANAM), Silvano Vergara confirmed on Saturday, February 2, that the EIA that the developer seeks to build on the causeway- was not supported in principle by ANAM and will not be evaluated says La Prensa.
The document submitted by the promoters "has several aspects which have not been considered,". One of them has to do with the references used and the lack of a specific study of the impacts in the construction zone, the official explained.
Vergara said that the law states that "every project should have its environmental impact study approved." Therefore, if the City Marina Amador has not had the study approved it cannot perform the work.
He clarified that the governing body does not look at the relationship developers have with the authorities. If the developer did not meet the formal process, then it is not admitted.
Vergara said the promoter may resubmit if he wishes, "The truth is that this study is not supported now, therefore, it does not exist," Vergara said to local media.
The resort property to be built on artificial islands in the causeway is at odds with the concept of a master tourism plan for Amador. The numerous skyscrapers obstruct the view of the city and the Bay of Panama, and contradict the rules of construction in the area, which proscribes the building of homes and apartments said La Prensa