Tiny relief at the pumps forecast

While talk of speculation in Panama gas prices continues, motorists are likely to get a little relief on Friday January 21, but nothing compared to the big jump of two weeks ago.
A gallon of 95 octane gasoline could fall four cents and 91 octane about two cents, say sources in the hydrocarbon sector. The price of a gallon of low-sulfur diesel will likely stay untouched.
Some gas stations in Panama and Colon offered a gallon of 95 octane gasoline at $4.21, and 91 at $3.88 and diesel at $3.84. The stations are down to between three and 12 cents below the maximum prices to stimulate demand
The year began with hikes in fuel prices as high as 26 cents., which has been described by local analysts as a speculative. Two years ago a barrel of crude was at the current prices of $95 and a gallon of 95 octane gasoline was only $3.50.