Environmental studies dont work — Agency chief

"ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT studies do not work" says the head of Panama’s Environmental Authority (ANAM),
Silvano Vergara was applauded when he made the remark at a Thursday meeting, in David, Chiriqui. attended by environmentalists, university staff,, members of the Chiriqui Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Camchi) and the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (Apede), Chiriquí. Chapter.
Vergara said that "environmental impact studies, have become a mere formality." And ANAM is working on changing the rules.
During a discussion period it was suggested that many environmental impact studies (EIS) submitted to ANAM, , have been described after review as plagiarism because they repeat dubious studies presented by other projects with similar he technical, environmental and descriptions..
"I know and can support that many of these studies contain numerous pages that have been kidnapped," said Edidio Bonilla, a member of the Association of Environmentalists of Chiriqui (Asamchi).
The environmentalist, who also belongs to the Comprehensive Environmental Alliance for Development "United for Panama" (Aaprodiupa), today emphasized that EIAs are inefficient and considered "true monstrosities".
Bonilla demanded criminally prosecution of officials high and low that approve fraudulent studies. Meanwhile, Raul Montenegro, member of Provincial Advisory Council on Environment and Asamchi advisor, cataloged environmental impact studies as "a big lie".
He explained that some analysis of these studies has shown that they are just "vulgar paperwork that does not have the value it should have." Montenegro, who was on the board of the former National Institute of Renewable Natural Resources (INRENARE) now known as ANAM, said that if the EIAs were really used really as genuine mechanisms for the proper management of the environment in the projects, they would be a great tool. He noted that “the true use of the EIA was misrepresented.."
Environmentalist and university professor, Demetrio Mirandaadded that "the EIA is a simple requirement for the projects, but t they have lost functionality". Miranda said that "for a long time had to change the system or EIA format, so that they are more technical and true".
Benitez insisted that "these documents are not only costly, but often complicated and does not fill the role expected of them", so favored of the review and modification by the decree Anam 123, which regulates compliance with this legal requirement.