Ex Canal chief may run for Panama president

The former administrator of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), Alberto Aleman Zubieta is considering a run for the presidency.

The man who ran the world’s most important waterway for 16 years made the statement on Tuesday December 4 during a ceremony at the Technological University of Panama where he was awarded an honorary doctorate for his "leadership, excellence, integrity and transparency in trunning the Panama Canal, the cornerstone of the global maritime service.”

He said that "many people in the street" had approached him to run as a presidential candidate in the 2014 general elections. Therefore, he said, he is considering a presidential bid.
Alemán Zubieta ended his term as Canal administrator in September, and, says La Prensa, various sectors of the country applauded his work during the 16 years in charge of the canal management.
Talk among politicians that the ruling Democratic Change (CD) may offer the opportunity for the presidential nomination. While political analysts argue that he could run as an independent candidate.
Seven people have so far said they will run for president.