Former CD insider lambastes rulers on the make

Escorcia Sandra Alvarado,  the first high-profile official to quit the government of President Ricardo Martinelli, has lashed out at elected leaders more concerned with doing business than helping the Panamanian people.


"Governing a country is not a business," she says, in a La Prensa interview published  November 24, warning that the system of corruption is everywhere.

She also added her voice to a growing  number of critics of   Justice Minister Jose Raul Mulino:  " I am concerned about the military spirit of the security forces,  ..It is antidemocratic. The theme of civility is forgotten , and he is  a jerk for the way he treats women in general and the answers given to the Panamanian people,"

Escorcia resigned as director of the Transit Authority and Land Transport (ATTT) 77 days after taking the Martinelli government took office. She did so after denouncing irregularities in the issue of 200 of taxi licnses that were granted by the deputy director, Roberto Moreno.

Escorcia, an architect was one of 11 people who developed the operating  plan for the Martinelli government.

She told La Prensa “I went in convinced that we were on the correct line. For me it was a shock to realize that it was all a fraud, everything.  The theme of  "you can put the foot but not the hand", was also a fraud. 

“At the ATTT I made the claim that they were giving the taxi licenses in the same irregular way as  in previous governments. Martinelli wanted to do things differently, but it was a total let down …  I gave the evidence we had at that time against the Deputy [Roberto Moreno] to the anti-corruption prosecutor, Ramses Barrera.Today I am glad I did.

"It was the best decision I ever made, because it was a wakeup call at the time. Today the status quo of corruption is everywhere… 

"Today I realize that this was the government's aim:  outright theft, either through bribes, or  through high prices, for  "work" being done. She used the 10% phrase several time during the interview, referring to  kickbacks.

She also  attacked the third phase of the coastal strip. “They are ruining our heritage. At first the work was $ 700 million, because it would be a tunnel and would not impair the areas, that figure has now risen outrageously and without the tunnel. I think it is important to stop doing so much business. The renovation is complete.” 

Our Security Minister [Jose Raul Mulino] is  unfortunately is antidemocratic …. The (militarization)  topic  is worrying and especially how he flaunts it , but hat  saves us, because then we realize what’s going on The presentation in the  patriotic parades, all this show of force was very unpleasant for us, and especially for those who are civilistas.

Asked by La Prensa  if Mulino had changed since his days in the Civil Crusade and Patriotic Union she said: “It’s always like that -, growing egos and especially when you do not see things that are obvious. You no longer listen to friends, the media, the polls, now you have the power.”

Asked if she thought the police were being militarized she said: “Yes, definitely. Not only in how theydress, but how they act. They are very arrogant, because their boss gives the tone, and the way such people attacked Bocas del Toro, and the people in Colon. That's no way to deal with such situations. Bringing people from the borders that had other weapons to use in the city, that's a definition of militarism. That Mulino denies it, is his  problem, but the Panamanians are not deceived.”

She thought  that what is happening is a step to dictatorship, “but we will not allow it” she said

Asked who were the people most harmful to the government she said: “Beginning with President Martinelli himself,. Mulino; Jimmy Papamitriu and Federico Suárez.”(the last two resigned in the midst of scandal reports)

On the 2014  electoral outlook she said : “The parties at this time, each thinking of the next election, have no real opposition. They are divided and are not giving importance to what we really deserve. I see the quality of life of Panamanian life diminished. These ministers of 10%, are more concerned with doing business and not on how it improves the lives of Panamanians. I would like to see an independent candidate because I believe no party candidate is willing to eliminate institutionalized greed…

“I do not care about the re-election issue,  although I disagree with it, because noody  is going to re-elect this man.Panamanians are not stupid. But, I am concerned the appointment of the magistrate in the Electoral Tribunal [Heriberto Araúz].”

Asked if the appointment was calculated sh said: “Of course. With this government everything is coldly calculated, since its inception. When I quit even I understood it, but now I understand perfectly. There was no way to stay in the government if you are not willing to see the bills passed under the table and be quiet, or staying with one hand.

On  the Supreme Court, about to elect a new president she said: “Since the appointment of Alejandro Moncada it has gone backwards. There is no respect or credibility of institutions, which is why we have to think about the future of the country and has learn to do  better. The next President must be very clear that this he has not to come to do business. Whoever wants to do business should stay in private enterprise.