Return of militarism say critics of Sunday parade

A near two hour display of military force during the weekend independence parades of schoolchildren, angered a cabinet member and raised fears among many of a step back towards militarization.

Members of the State Border Patrol in camouflage outfits, and with faces painted, marched down Calle 50, on Sunday November 4, carrying heavy assault weapons while helicopters flew overhead.

nits of the same group were used in the recent disturbances in Colon

Retired electoral tribunal (ET) judge Guillermo Márquez Amado and retired general, Ruben Dario Paredes agreed that the displays were done to send a message.”If the main objective was to honor the country, the marching of officers would have accomplished that ,” said Marquez Amado.
Paredes said: “This demonstration of excessive force was a regrettable mistake. My impression was to be concerned because there is no enemy around the borders. which means they are rearming to attack their own people … The government’s purchase of helicopters, boats, assault rifles and other arms sends a clear message that the government is willing to do anything to stay in power past the 2014 elections.
Marquez Amado said that the increasing “militarization” of the country has brought back painful memories. “We had a very painful experience with a 21-year military dictatorship which was overcome with much pain, and we do not want Panama to be split again.”

Both indicated to La Prensa that Panama is receding because while neighboring Colombia is seeking a peace dialogue and trying to avoid confrontation in their country, “we are acting in the opposite direction.”

Paredes said that with this scenario it is necessary that the “sovereign people” create a commonpatriotic front, peaceful and civic if you really want a healthy and democratic change in the 2014 elections
Education Minister Lucy Molinar who was in charge of the event, was upset and said the show of force was “a bad example to the children.”
Security minister Jose Raul Mulino who has always rushed to defend the National Police when accused of excessive force during protests, said that the display was intended to show that Panama is serious about fighting drug trafficking.
He quipped about his fellow cabinet minister’s concerns: “She was angry. Now she can be happy.”