“Broken promises lead to road closures

Tired of “broken promises ”A group of indigenous people from the Arimae community in the province of Darien, closed the Pan-American highway on Tuesday October 30.
They are demanding the handover of the deed to their collective lands.
Jose Bacorizo, former leader of the community, said the duration of the closure is “undefined” and said they are tired of broken promises by government authorities.who every month say they will deliver the collective land title and always comes legal opposition from 11 families of settlers who are on the land.
The highway was closed from 5:00 am until 6:00 pm .The National Land Authority has not given answers says La Prensa.
The governor of Darien, Dorindo Moreno, said authorities made great efforts to resolve the problembut , families who settled in the area create have filed lawsuits and judgments have favored them.
Meanwhile, Rafael Jaen delivering construction materials, said that every day lost to them and represent thousands of dollars. This week two days have been lost affecting families and eh domestic economy of a province that has always been in crisis.