Criminal complaint lodged against Martinelli insider

A criminal complaint against the secretary general of the ruling Democratic Change Party alleging mismanagement of funds while heading a government assistance program, was filed Wednesday October 17.

(CD).Members of the Panameñista party made the complaint against Giacomo Tamburrelli, secretary general of the ruling.
According to the Panamenistas, the complaint against Tamburrelli is for alleged mismanagement during his administration of the social assistance program PAN between July 2009 and August 2012.
Tamburrelli recently resigned from his position as manager of the National Mortgage Bank in the midst of a scandal over how he used funds while head of the PAN program.
The complaint alleges that Tamburrelli used the program to curry political favor by funding projects in districts represented by politicians who switched to the CD party. There are also questions about the contractors used for these projects and the construction of a road leading to a farm owned by his father-in-law.