Archbishop calls for electoral ethics pact

Panama’s Catholic Archbishop has again stepped in between warring political factions and called for the signing of a magna carta of electoral ethics.

The call came from Jose Domingo Ulloa, after a week of protests by civil society organizations and political parties opposing the adoption by the government benches of reforms to the Electoral Code with little public consultation.

 For Ulloa, the pact requires that Panamanians talk with Panamanians, because the confrontations are harming the country.
"How beautiful it would be to hear from all parties independent and concrete proposals that will rekindle hope that progress can be made in the construction of a Panama with opportunities," said Ulloa.
He added that the talks will begin next week to try to secure the signing of the pact. He said that this was not a new initiative of the Catholic Church, which has been working for 20 years to promote a pact between the political parties and civil society organizations. "I think this is necessary for the good of all, because if we cannot, much harm will be done to Panamanians".