Traffic snarl solution: Rise early and have patience

“Get up earlier and have more patience”. That’s the solution to traffic jam fatigue for Panama’s disgruntled drivers from a senior police officer.
Aldo Macre, Traffic Operations director of the National Police (PN), Aldo Macre said on Tuesday, August 21, that the daily traffic snarls will continue until the completion of improvements so until then, follow his advice and set the alarm earlier. However complaints from frustrated drivers cover all hours of the day and evening.
Macre recognized that, although anti jam measures have b een introduced this year, there are people who still complain that the chaos is not sustainable..
According to Macre some of the measures introduced include working at night and providing more traffic agents, from the PN and the Transit Authority (ATTT). But he retuned to the theme: "Citizens must have a little more patience because once the infrastructures are completed traffic will flow much better and we will have fewer problems with jams "
But he warned that in the the meantime more roadworks will be starting.
A committee of transit authorities and businessmen has been meeting for 10 months to discuss the problem … and patience is needed.