Battle over electoral reform heats up

While Panama’s Front for Democracy planned a massive rally to oppose ruling party sponsored electoral reforms, the government is responding with an expensive media  campaign.

The government has rejected changes put forward by an appointed commission of Panama “notables” who spent 11 months studying the current laws before making their suggestions.

Meanwhile the Ricardo Martinelli led Democratic Change (CD) party, has come up with it’s own formula which opponents believe is a move  to make re-election easier for the CD and a step towards changing the constitution to enable Martinelli to remain in office.

The Front for Democracy, an amalgam of multiple citizen’s groups, has called for the community to mobilize on  August 29 to reject the  reforms promoted by the  government benches in the National Assembly.

Mariano Mena, coordinator of the movement, said that a leafleting campaign will be carried out simultaneously in Panama, Colon, Herrera, Los Santos, Veraguas, Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro to gather support for the demonstration which will start at  4:00 pm  in Parque and move to the National Assembly

Front members are attending  the debate on electoral reform package of the Government Commission of the Assembly.

The ruling party, meanwhile, has  launched a media campaign to promote their electoral reform initiatives.